Saturday, September 20, 2008

New Website

Congratulations and welcome to everyone who has joined our ning website!  The items on the homepage are a work in progress and will change often.  Here are some features you can and should take advantage of:

1.  If your group (Sunday School class, etc.) does not have a group to the left of this post, please start one.  It is an easy way to connect people to one another.  You can use the groups to send out mass emails and to help the group schedule events.

2. The google version of the church calendar is above.  Committee chairs and India have the ability to change the calendar.  Let them know if something is missing.

3.  You can find the address of my sermon blog at the end of this post.  The "feeds" for that blog would not behave, so use that address for printed sermons.

4. Please add your pictures to the site.  If you need help, I'll be glad to walk you through it.

Thank God for all of you!

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