Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Stewardship Resource

As we begin our stewardship season, find some excellent stewardship notes by Rev Bob Sheldon here. Stewarship is a large topic. Money is a subset of stewardship, but there are many ways of looking at the issue. Stay tuned....

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Envy at Work

Check out this speech by Alain de Botton at the TED conference. Chapter 3 of James touched briefly on envy; de Botton's speech is an excellent follow-up, particularly as envy relates to our work life.
James begs us to act as equals, neighbors, in the church. His divine wisdom realizes that egalitarianism and equality struggle constantly with envy and selfish-ambition.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Calvin's on Kindle

Kindle users (don't own one myself) - John Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion for less than a buck! Can't beat that! The Commentaries are also available!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Moon Landing 2

Google Moon Landing

Moon Landing

On this anniversary of the moon landing, I realize that the last time we stepped on the moon was a month before I was born. To my knowledge, no one since has left low-earth orbit. Been there, done that? Did we get so distracted by everything else going on in the world (Vietnam, the Cold War)?
Actually, the moon-landing is a great example of vision carried out through goal-setting. Listen to Kennedy's speech that started it all. America has lost its vision and needs new goals (as Kennedy says - "and the other things"). For Kennedy, the vision was Freedom, Knowledge, and Exploration for humanity. Have we lost the idea that America is here on behalf of humanity?
What is God's vision for the world? Jesus proclaims the Reign of God. Do we share his vision? What is the church's equivalent of a moon landing for today?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Calvin's Excommunicated Father

Just three pages into William Stacy Johnson's John Calvin:Reformer for the 21st Century, I have had a startling revelation. Gerard Calvin was excommunicated when his son John was 19 years old, dying two years later. What an impact this must have made on the young reformer. Calvin must have been destroyed by the church's graceless attitude. No wonder grace became suddenly free. Have we sought Calvin's conversion and ecclesiology in all the wrong places?

Radical Hospitality

Interesting blog post by PC(USA) Vice-Moderator Byron Wade.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

New Blog

My regular blog has moved - check out the following link!
