Thursday, April 13, 2006

Holy Week4

My secretary came into the office this afternoon, having visited the Methodist church, where they were opbserving a passover seder. Key to the Old Testament ritual is the slaughter of the lamb. As Becky and her son Matthew came into the office, I realized that worship has a smell also.

On this sacred Maundy (Mandate) Thursday, we remember the institution of the Lord's Supper. I will especially remember the smell of the gospel. As I carried the bread (foccaccia bread sans rosemary) for communion to the church, I could smell the slightly warm, fresh bread smell. The simple earthy elements draw us back to special worshipful, communion moments.

I remember the elders and pastors of the Pennsylvania Wee Kirk conference in 2003 discussing different bread recipes for communion. That week, the communion bread was a grainy wheat bread, rich and hearty. I'll never forget that texture, smell, and taste.

Communion is meant to engage the senses, as we not only hear of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we taste and touch Him as well. What a blessed Lord, who is present to touch, taste, and see.

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